Friday 24 August 2007


Not casually, one of my favourite garments in my wardrobe, is a vintage "Harris" tweed blazer made of heavy grey wool. It fits me perfectly, and I feel so elegant and comfortable wearing it. At this point, I should say I love tweed to death. And that is for many reasons: its resistance and durability, the Irish-and Scottish- origin, etc...

You might think tweed is too formal (blame Coco Chanel for that), but it all depends in the way you wear it. It looks cool with a mini-skirt or casual trousers and a big scarf, to keep you warm during the winter.

By the way, did I ever mention I am a fan of British humour? Well...I am! Among my favourites, I include Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie (well-known for his role as doctor House). This is a part of "Jeeves and Wooster", which adapted the stories of the great P.G. Wodehouse. I chose this clip, because of the hilarious argument about the "Harris" tweed suit.


Anonymous said...

i love tweed, in fact i own a lot of tweed, skirts, pants, jackets, coats, gloves, hats, oooh... i don't have a vest. but that won't last long.

christina said...

I have had a tweed jacket for a while, but now I think I have to sell it because I have grown out of it. I will have to buy a new one though because I loved my old one to death.

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