A few days ago browsing the Balenciaga site, and to my surprise, the only thing I found in the jewellery section were brooches. My mind understands brooches are back. Although, did they ever leave? Or fashion cycles are moving faster than expected? Just two or three years ago, Vogue was proclaiming brooches were a must, to deny it six months later.
Is Ghesquière playing a trick on us? I don't know, but they are lovely.

Song: Personality Crisis - NEw YorK DoLls
Do you like the New York Dolls? I used to listen to them all the time like three years ago, and then last weekend I put a bunch of songs with them onto my Ipod.. Personality Crisis is my favorite!
Yes, I like them. Not my favourite Punk group, though. "Personality Crisis" ,along with "Trash", is my favourite too.
Brooches are so cute =)
but balenciaga brooches? It's not gonna happen, at least for me. Anyways, i'll find the way of getting some decent ones (=
Not really heard the NYD before but this track is bitchin'!!
Those are really cute!
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