Sunday 15 February 2009


Stevie tagged me a few days ago and I can't say no to a blogger who I've been faithfully following for more than two years. Here are my 6 unknown facts:


I am a sucker for good manners. In fact, I get mad at people who don't take their hats off when entering a public place.

No me puedo resistir a la gente con buenos modales. De hecho, me pone enferma cuando una persona no se descubre al entrar en un sitio cerrado.

I have a self-imposed ban on leaving the house in a tracksuit. / Nunca salgo de casa en chándal.


I'm a little bit obsessed with lingerie./Estoy un poco obsesionada con la lenceria.

I hate it when people stare at what I'm doing on the computer. / Odio que la gente se ponga detrás de mi a mirar que estoy haciendo en el ordenador.

I do most of my shopping online, it's way easier for me./La mayoría de las veces compro online, es mucho más fácil para mi.


After -what seemed- an endless hard period, I'm now enjoying a peaceful moment. I even can feel happy at times, which is very good indeed.

Después de lo que parecía un interminable y duro periodo, estoy disfrutando de un momento muy sereno. Incluso puedo ser feliz a veces.


- said...

yo tb estoy superobsesionada con la lenceria!
me alegro de k seas feliz

Anonymous said...

Nice to know a bit from you..I always like the pictures you choose..BB is so gorgeous !

WendyB said...

I appreciate manners too. Someone recently said something so rude to me and said, "I'm being honest!" I said, "From now on -- lie."

Gaia said...

love the firts pic.

Anonymous said...

i love looking at lingerie as well, but spending large amounts of money on it not so much. Good manners are always a plus no matter where you are, be happy darling!

Anonymous said...

i wish i had white hair like that!

Anonymous said...

yo también odio que me miren el ordenador!! No puedo, me levanto directamente :-)

me alegro que todo vaya mejor!!

Mónica said...

happy at times... it is likely to be the only way

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

Lo del computador tambièn lo odio jajajaa... Eso me irrita muchísimo

Anonymous said...

Nunca me había fijado en lo del sombrero, seguramente porque no veo a mucha gente que lleve, pero yo odio eso mismo con las gafas de sol! En un sitio cerrado? nonono...

Y lo del ordenador, qué rabia!!
;) Un saludo!

H A N N A H . M A Y . R O S E . † said...

loveee your blog - its so inspirational! && u have an amazing sense of style =D you want to trade links?
let me know ♥

Anonymous said...

Gracias por tus visitas & comments! :) Me alegro mucho de que te haya gustado el blog, te agrego a mis links ya, para poder seguirte de cerca!

Anonymous said...

Pues enhorabuena por tu felicidad. Me pasa como a ti, me encantan las demostraciones de respeto máximo y no soporto esos pequeños feos (gorro, mirar odernador...)

Adele said...

shopping online is good, but i find it pretty expensive when you add shipping costs.
i totally agree with the tracksuit ban, i have one too!
very nice photos.
it was fun to read some things about you! i'm glad life is looking up. enjoy it :)

Bojana said...

Aha the computer watching thing is soooo true!!
And lingerie ooog yes :)

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