Monday 26 May 2008

A tribute

From the first time I saw Ashley Olsen wearing the YSL tribute sandals, it was instant love. They have that stripper vibe, so cheeky and appealing at the same time. But at the price of $760 per pair, I resigned myself because I knew there wasn't a chance of getting them.

At least not the real ones. Because look what I found:

They're from a brand called Bakers. I know I am always complaining about the amount of knockoffs in fashion, but I can't resist these shoes. The only problem is Bakers doesn't ship outside the US, so I have my finger crossed in the hope that a pair will pop up on ebay.

Song: Bunny- Ultra Orange and Emmanuelle


Stephanie said...

I did find a few pairs up on ebay a few weeks ago but they were charging double what the retail is :(

Anonymous said...

Bakers Shoes is one fabulous shoe source with amazing knock offs, and affordable, too. Me, personally, am more than happy about affordable knock offs.

Mónica said...

son superbonitas, tenemos que buscar algún contacto americano x ahí pa' que te las consiga, yo lo entiendo, claramente las necesitas!! jeje:)!

karla deras said...

they have some at as well! in black, brown, and white!
and ps: i would be honored if i was feautred in your blog! that's sweet!

erica lorraine scheidt said...

groovy song

Anonymous said...

Wow a shoe source I didn't know about...oh dear...

Ella Gregory said...

They are a seriously good copy!

Anonymous said...

Uh oh...Bakers could be serious trouble for me because those are some incredible shoes!

Unknown said...

We love your blog¡¡¡¡

Iñaki said...

Ashley is perfect. And I can see why you love those shoes!


Nicole P. said...

Email me at if you'd like to set up an arrangement. I could order the shoes then ship them to you. I mean, as long as you paid shipping and for the shoes and everything. I would love to bring a woman closer to lovely shoes. I've been eyeing the YSL tributes, too; but, when I get up the courage to order them, they only have them in size 10! (;

Anyway, let me know.

Gala Gonzalez said...

menudo ojo tienes ninha! ese bakers va a ser un grab aliado!

lilliebe said...

They're gorgeous.

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