Sunday 11 May 2008

The state of fashion

It is said that fashion, as art in general, is a reflection of our times. But, what does it said about our society?

Doing a difficult perspective exercise, we could say that fashion follows the frantic pace of our lives. The human being is insatiable, our capacity of desire has no end: the more we have, the more we want to have. Fast food, as well as fast fashion, are the answers to our wishes.

It's time to stop, think and redirect our thought patterns to be better with ourselves and the environment.

Song: My insatiable one - Suede

Pic source: History place


Mónica said...

I completely agree. The fast-fashion is a good reflect of our times, and at the same time, so sad. great post;)

Charlotte said...

We should stop and think that everything is transitory. We must look beyond and realize that most of the times our priorities are mistaken.
Have a nice week!

Anonymous said...

fast fashion = fat and bloated wardrobe...sounds familiar, no?

Anonymous said...

Guilty as charged.... I am trying to slow down though...

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I quite agree. This is part of the reason I don't like being termed trendy and I don't try to keep up with trends--I am quirky but I would prefer a timeless style that doesn't go "in" and "out" in the blink of any can dream.

erica lorraine scheidt said...

It's as though desiring what's next immediately devalues what I already own. I love this quote from Caroline Evans' Fashion at the Edge, "Everything new and beautiful seems to arrive already haunted by its own demise."

Iñaki said...

I can't think of this subject without contradicting myself! I do profoundly believe in fair trade and non-polluting materials. There's nothing to discuss there.
But am I insatiable? I think so and I don't as the clock ticks away.
Thanks for bringing this up, though!


Ella Gregory said...

I agree
I don't understand when people just buy and buy
I like shopping but I try to only buy what I need
I cannot stand Primark and other cheap 'fast fashion' shops

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