Thursday 15 May 2008

The odd couple

Imagine for a moment you know nothing about fashion...what would you think of this couple?

Song: Now I wanna sniff some glue - The Ramones


Richel said...

haha, they're fabulous!
they really are!

LittleDoodles said...

I remember seeing two much older ladies (I'm guessing late 80s!) dressed up to the nines like this sitting having coffee in Paris...they're were equally was wonderful!!

cotton candy said...

i think the outfits are great. the thing is, i think it will look so much more better on a person that has the age to suit it ... rather than those two just kinda goes a bit

Anonymous said...

even if i knew nothing about fashion, those ladies would still be my heroes.

Michelle said...

I do love Viv, and even if I don't know who they are I'll still admire their outfits and sense of fun!

Iñaki said...

I'd think they're a pair of mad wacky grannies! So I am glad I actually know who their are. ha!


..... said...

but isnt it vivienne westwood ?

María said...

^Yes, Vivienne Westwood with Patricia Field.

María said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kira Aderne said...

horrible, but westwood has so much style, but her face it´s weird! hehehhe

a kiss!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That they're crazy. I still think they are, but crazy like foxes.

bronwyn said...

They scare me:)

Paris said...

These two have gallons in common! I love them!

Please come and have a wee look at my new blog. I am an illustration student, my images are mainly fashion related so please come and leave me some feedback.

Oh and I'm definitely adding your fabulous blog as a fav!

Paris x


If i were a simple peasant I would think it were 2 silly grandmas... but I'm not that, I think they are both brilliant! HILLARIOUS POST BTW

thescientificlolita said...

Even if a person's first thoughts are, THEY'RE SO OLD,

gotta love people who dare dye their hair the same color as their dress.
I don't care if it's too matchy matchy.
i like it.

Miss at la Playa said...

haha, that's a tough question!

discotheque confusion said...

what a fantastic shot!

you know all those fairytale stories of orphaned children living with their two crazy aunts?

i rest my case.

Elizabeth said...

I'd probably throw out some cliché like "don't judge a book by it's cover," or "the end doesn't justify the means."

Nevertheless, they've done well.

Aly said...

I prefer Viv <3

Anonymous said...

good dressed lezzies ;)

Danz said...

haha they take the idea of redheads to a new extreme. I do like Patricia's shoes though.

lilliebe said...

Hhaa you have a point!

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