Friday 2 May 2008

Fashion vs. style

Most magazines use the terms style icon and fashionista as synonyms. For me, these words are far from being similar. I am not pretending to say one is better than the other, both require an effort.

While the fashionista needs to follow every single trend that hits the streets, the style icon must develop her own dressing sense (a tough task that could last years, even a whole life) choosing her own basics.

Personally, I am searching my own style (a feminine bohemian) because I usually don't feel comfortable with most trends and I will only incorporate those that match me. I normally try to look my best, and that would be impossible if I followed every single fashion.

Are you a fashionista or do you have your own style?

Song: Here in my room - Incubus

Edit: Just to clarify things... in this post, Victoria Beckham plays the role of the fashionista and Anita Pallenberg is the style icon.


Kira Aderne said...

i love becks in that time too!
her shorts and boots used to be amazing!

a kiss and a hug,


I try not to fall for trends! But I always follow trends that fit within my own style, I do follow some trends but my style doesnt change every season

Anonymous said...

I think we can have our style and at the same time follow the trends. I choose in the trends What I feel comfortable in... so maybe we can say, I'm not a fashionista, and I don't have find my style neither... but I'm according that those two words are not synonyms
sorry for my bad English..

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I agree these are so dissimilar. It's like a difference between girls interested in clothes/shopping and those interested in fashion/pop and again those interested in style/self/art. I'm quite biased towards the last.
And only two books! That is cruel...

EvaAmarri said...

I like to mix in some trends that I like with my own thing.

J.M. Powell said...

i couldn't agree more. there is definately a distinction between style and fashion. and having personal style beats having the latest 'it' bag any day.

Elizabeth said...

I'm not much of a trend-monger, though I love some of the trends very much. Trouble is, they don't always suit me. When they don't, I avoid them, sticking to my own style. So I guess I have my own style.

Anonymous said...

I definitely have my own style. I have never been one to follow a trend, in fact, I usually turn the other way.

I collect clothes, buy the best quality that I can afford.

I think with a personal sense of style, you can be current, edgy and timeless at the same time. You just have to know what works on your body, and with your personality.

SICK. said...

i don't consider myself an icon, because i think that is more of when others emulate and admire your style.
but i do follow trends, though i try to personalize them, so as not to look like a blatant copycat.
i guess i just take what i love, mix it with trends, and voila.


Ella Gregory said...

I agree they aren't the same
A fashionista makes me think of someone who copies style icons!

Anonymous said...

I'd rather not be either? Hows about just a girl who's into fashion...

discotheque confusion said...

i'm not sure they're the same.
i don't see victoria beckham as anything near a style icon.

i would say i'm undoubtedly an individual style kind of girl, but i've seen people out there with a similar style because it'd impossible not to be influenced by the trends. but i guess the fact that being inspired by a trend because you like it, rather than purely for the sake that it is a trend it what sets apart fashionistas and style icons.

great post, it's got people thinking!

Adge said...

I completely agree. I think the worst thing a woman can do to herself is wear something that doesn't suit her, for the sake of fashion. This is even more important dealing with different body type. One's shape should dictate what they wear and styles are to be adopted, not necessarily whats trendy at the moment. Most people know this but I'm always astonished by how many people to ignore it.

Michelle said...

Thank you for this post! Style icon is a word that has been thrown around with for ages without any true meaning attach to it. Though I defo don't see myself as a style icon or fashionista, having not the reassurance of the former or the money for a latter.. I think its still going to take me a while to find my own style.

Mónica said...

Posh won't never be a style icon, because she doesn't know how to do it, she is limited and she copy and adopt every single trend on the runway, but she can't make them her own. I think finding your own style takes a lifetime, but trying is funny

Maria said...

I don't believe I have my own style, if I do it's really boring..and not boring in a minimalistic way, just really limited. But then again I buy lots of things that I don't wear, that become trendy in 6 months.

Anonymous said...

I think I've got my own style, but it's hard to tell what my style is like...

I do follow trends when they match me too, but there are also things that I wear for years and years.

rock & republic jeans said...

Nice design and good post . Way to Go!

Nancy Wilde said...

I agree with you! I don't follow trends, I need my own sense of style.xx

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