excessive exposure, esp. of photographic film or a sensitized plate to light rays.
the condition of having been seen, heard, or advertised so frequently or for so long that freshness or appeal is diminished.
If I had to define Sex and the City with just one word it would be overexposure. I guess I can call myself a fan of the series, but I am sick of all the paraphernalia around it. I watched the film, and it's not that good. It lacks irony and cynicism, and they eventually gave us a predictable end: Carrie and Mr. Big getting married. A pure cliché.
What I like least, is the way of commercializing the whole concept. There's already a book about the movie, and Patricia Field is selling in her web: bags, socks, dresses and belts ala Carrie at exorbitant prices.
"I love you but enough is enough. "
Faust Arp-Radiohead