Tuesday 18 December 2007

"A woman with good shoes is never ugly"

In 1957, Coco Chanel created the legend that is the two-tone shoe. The purpose of the black toe was to avoid stains, while the nude leather elongated the legs. Inside the pump Coco placed an elastic to make the shoe more comfortable and give the wearer more freedom of movement.

Some of you might think you must be crazy to pay such a big sum of money for a pair of flats, but I don't, because I basically live in flats. For me, a pair of cap toe Chanel's would be an investment.

For those who are not willing to pay full price, French Sole sells a great alternative .

Song: Dancing shoes-Artic Monkeys


Miss at la Playa said...

those flats are lovely! but i'll have to wait until zara sells ones :D...

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I'll take them at either price. Though the real ones would have to be a gift--I'm only a broke college student right now. But I can dream.

Mónica said...

Those flats are lovely, I love Chanel classics, and Coco had such a great idea with those ones! Unfortunately, I can't afford them, YET, hihi xd

Anonymous said...

They are really lovely flats, and the front wont get dirty cause its black :)


cotton candy said...

agreed with rachel. and what's better is that black and white are two of my favourite colours!

Ella Gregory said...

I adore the Chanel flats
but then i love anything Chanel
I love the collage at the top. and the quote is amazing too

discotheque confusion said...

Classic shoes!
Coco Chanel was so ahead of her time.
I love that all kind of women can wear Chanel, it's a brand that just suits so many types of style and personaility.

Carolina Lange said...

I love Chanel shoes! They are amazing! Beautiful shoes can save an outfit!

Fashionstyle said...

Indémodable!!! Irremplaçable!!

The must have!!

tallandskinny said...

love them, soooo comfy too


--a model trying to see her tiny NYC apt floor

Maria said...

you and me are making the same investment :D

I just hope the place that sells Chanel here gets a better selection of ballet flats for spring, atleast they said so. I'm so excited!

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