Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Jasmin Shokrian


Life sometimes seems to be a chain of coincidences. For instance, I discovered Jasmin Shokrian thanks to her line of basics Draft nº17 while flipping Totokaelo -with delight-.

La vida a veces parece estar hecha por pequeñas casualidades. Yo, por ejemplo descubrí a Jasmin Shokrian gracias a su linea de básicos Draft nº17 mientras hojeaba con deleite las páginas de Totoakelo*.


Honestly, my first impression after reading her bio in her web page is that she is a woman who knows what she does, and she does it very well indeed. "Shokrian has been able to meld her lifelong interests in sculpture and form with her talent for design and her affinity for the intimacy inherent in fashion."

Sinceramente, mi primera impresión después de leer el apartado biográfico en su página web es que se trata de una mujer que sabe lo que hace, y lo hace muy bien. “Shokrian ha sido capaz de combinar sus intereses por la forma y la escultura con su talento para el diseño.”


She explains better than anyone her pieces "“My love for architecture and space, has inspired a collection with clean lines that move and flow in an organic way. “

Ella explica mejor que nadie como son sus prendas “mi amor por la arquitectura y el espacio, han inspirado una colección de líneas limpias que se mueven y fluyen de manera orgánica.”


*Thanks Jessica!


. said...


Etrapar said...

she is also beautiful :)

joanne said...

that last outfit - texturally, shapely, and proportionally speaking - is perfection!

Kimberley Brandsma said...

beautiful! I especially love the last outfit!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Indeed! Her clothes just looks so soft and light!! I adore the shirt in the last picture! It's so etheral! xxoxoxo

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

that white dress is so pretty!


Anonymous said...

so classy!
i love the last outfit...i want it!

Rozdeen said...

Wow, beautiful! Thanks for spreading the name.


jessica said...

what a beautiful collection!
thanks for the name.
i am in love with that white dress.
if i ever needed to get married anytime soon, that would definitely be the winner.



Crave said...


roxy B said...

the pleats are perfect!

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