Friday 19 June 2009



The footnote reads: Gabrielle Chanel in 1909, with no pearls and lace. Underneath his pongee silk dress, a discreet embroidered gown typical of a convent educated girl, only adorned with a braid.

El pie de página lee así: "Gabrielle Chanel en 1909, sin perlas ni encajes. Bajo su vestido de pongis de seda, un camisolín bordado- lo que se llamaba entonces una "modestia"-, discretísimo, una prenda propia de niña educada en un convento, sólo que adornada por una trencilla."

These days I'm hooked on Gabrielle Chanel's biography -I haven't seen the biopic yet but it didn't get good critics here- and this photo was undoubtedly one of my biggest surprises. The image shocks not only for its simplicity, but also for its modernity. And this was, and still remains, the greatest success of Coco who revolutionized the fashion industry with her timeless simplicity.

Estos días estoy enganchada a la biografía de Gabrielle Chanel -aún no he visto la película, aunque no he oído muy buenas críticas- y ésta foto fue sin duda una de las mayores sorpresas. La imagen choca no solo por su simplicidad, sino también por su modernidad. Y éste fue, y sigue siendo, el gran éxito de Coco que revolucionó la moda con su sencillez atemporal.

Source/Fuente:Charles-Roux, Edmonde (2004, pg.62 y 63). El siglo de Chanel. Herce Editores


Fashion Cappuccino said...

Wow, that is such a lovely picture of her! She looks so delicate but strong and confident at the same time! xxoxoxo

Tamara said...

No me parecía ella cuando he visto la foto al principio. De la película hablan bastante mal, cierto... Me encanta el recogido, súper bonito!
Buen fin de semana!

Etrapar said...

I also like Coco because always less is more!

jennine said...

you know i've never really been interested in her, but with this movie... i'm getting really excited about learning more about her!

Gisele said...

Lovely profile! The more I learn about here, the more amazed I get, less is more for sure.

Sara said...

Esa foto me encanta, creo que es mi preferida, aunque le veo un rollo más Poiret que Chanel -supongo que ella se enfadaría :)-...

Yo vi la película y me gustó bastante. Cinematográficamente hablando no tiene nada, pero si conoces su vida, has leído su biografía y tal es muy divertida de ver y, en mi opinión, bastante fiel.

Zara said...

but still so elegant :) am reading an autobiography of her at the moment and it is really interesting and very inspiring.xx

Lisa said...

Wow, beautiful picture!

joanne said...

how about that hairstyle...! so timeless.

magnolia*mama said...

That photo is breathtaking, and I have never seen it, so thank you. I am holding my breath for the biopic, hoping it won't disappoint! Unlikely, but worth crossing my fingers :)

Anonymous said...

this is such a wonderful image, i love the simplicity

Michelle said...

Hey in reply to your comment I'm afraid I got the H&M dress about 3 - 4 months ago as part of the Spring stock. I haven't seen it since, but I hope they might reissue the style!

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