Wednesday 13 May 2009

Slow fashion

I don't know if you had the chance to read the post about Slow Fashion that I wrote for the Nissan Cube blog, so I'm copying it here.

No sé si tuvisteis la oportunidad de leer el post sobre Slow Fashion que escribí para el blog Nissan Cube, así que os lo pongo aquí por si acaso.

All misfortune has its bright side and the current economic climate is no exception because it is forcing us to rethink many concepts that we have taken for granted. So far high levels of consumption seemed reasonable because, -among other things- it was one of the legs that held western economies. However, for some time now, slow movements are emerging suggesting a change in our unstoppable spending pace.

Fashion is probably the best reflection of our consumerist excesses. Nowadays we do not buy based on the quality and utility of the things we can get, but on quantity and the amount of social status it will provide.

Being more aware of the way we shop is easy if we make the effort, and there are two tips that always work: not buying impulsively and making lists by eliminating those things that we deem unnecessary. Also, be selective with your wardrobe; worshiping each of the pieces it contains is more satisfying, making the ritual of wearing something much more simple and fun.

The resources of the Earth and the human race are not infinite, therefore sensible spending is vital to ensure the continuity of the planet. We must change our mentality being aware of this fact: consuming more does not necessarily mean a better life.

Si algo bueno tiene el panorama económica actual es que nos está obligando a replantearnos muchos conceptos que ya dábamos por hecho. Hasta ahora un elevado ritmo de consumo parecía algo razonable porque –entre otras cosas- era una de las patas que sostenía las economías occidentales. Sin embargo, desde hace algún tiempo están surgiendo movimientos slow que proponen cambiar ese ritmo imparable de consumo.

La moda probablemente sea el mejor reflejo de nuestros excesos consumistas. Ahora compramos no en función de la calidad y la utilidad que podamos obtener de las cosas, sino de la cantidad y del status social que nos vayan a proporcionar.

Ser más consciente del consumo que realizamos es fácil si nos lo proponemos, y hay dos consejos que funcionan siempre: no comprar de forma impulsiva y hacer una lista eliminando aquellas cosas que consideremos innecesarias. Además, ser selectivo con tu armario adorando cada una de las piezas que contiene es más gratificante, haciendo del ritual de vestirse algo mucho más sencillo y divertido.

Los recursos de la Tierra y del ser humano no son infinitos, por eso realizar un consumo más responsable es imprescindible para garantizar la continuidad de la especie y del planeta. Debemos cambiar nuestra mentalidad siendo conscientes de que consumir más no implica necesariamente una vida mejor.


Dream Sequins said...

I completely agree with you about the concept of treasuring a piece and wearing it for the rest of its life. Since I've been less cash rich these days, I've been putting more thought into what I buy and trying to treasure every item I buy, asking myself "Do I really love it" before I buy. Even as early as last year, it was the case that I would just buy something for the sake of buying, or because I thought it was a bargain. Great article!

discotheque confusion said...

Great article and very well written. It makes a change reading a "recession themed" article that is honest rather than going down the investment route which is a load of nonsense in difficult economic times.

I think going through your wardrobe and experimenting with new ways of wearing existing pieces helps to rejuvinate it.

and by the way, you asked if the new wave book is any good? I haven't actually read it, but would like to based upon what I've seen on amazon!


Vera said...

Well said, bien dicho :) I've never been a fan of mindless consumption, "quality over quantity" is something that I live by. Following trends in a mindless manner never did anything for anyone. It's the shape of one's body and the image one wants to put out there that matter, not what's on the pages of Vogue's latest edition.

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