I don't know what it is, but there's something so captivating in Brigitte Bardot, even knowing that there are many things to hate in the way she thinks. I have tons of her photos saved in my inspiration folder and they are so helpful when I seem to lose my style mojo.
No sé que tiene Brigitte Bardot que me cautiva incluso a sabiendas de que hay muchas cosas que odio en su forma de pensar. Tengo muchísimas fotos guardadas de ella y son realmente útiles cuando por momentos pierdo la inspiración.

she's the muse
love her rings in the last photo...
ohh she is great and a style icon but indeed her way of thinking... :/ such a shame right?
I really like the first photo! So simple, yet chic.
she's captivating.
I recomand you Sophia Loren she's my favorite source of inspiration
la verdad es que su estilo es increible! me encanta a mi tmb. me recuerda a kate moss y a patricia conde
The one with the baby is not BB this is Catherine Deneuve !!!!!!!!!!!!
You're so right annabel!! Sorry about that...
When I read this post, I thought, "the way she thinks?" -- what does that mean!? Then I googled her...and I totally agree. To be honest, in the past I had only known her for her looks; I'd never looked deeper into who she is as a person. She is still beautiful, but it is such a shame that she is so closed-minded. Anyway, thanks for the pretty pics and for my learning something new today!
She was literally stunning, she has my dresm hair.x
She's a classic beauty icon, of course. And she chose her projects well, esp those new wave films. Love her hair, too.
brigette was so stunning, but it's really too bad that her way of thinking caused many controversies
it's her hair! i'm in love with it. she is beautiful!
the picture of her by the pool with a fawn is one of my favourites ever.
Me encanta la primera foto, sencillamente fantástica! Y en la que aparece fumando, se me da un aire a lo Kate Moss, no es el físico solo, es la actitud, creo. "Muy a lo: Sí soy divina. Lo sé" ;)
I love her style back in the days!
She's so gorgous on these pics !
I like seeing the images you have chosen of her...
She is one of the most beautiful women! Great selection of photos :)
feels so effortless! Love it!
true I don't like her personality, but she used to be gorgeous! like a young and more bombshell Lara Stone.
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