Monday 29 December 2008


pixie market

Now that sales have started on most online shops (I still have to wait for the real life sales) it's time to have a look at all those stores I try to avoid the rest of the year taking into account I'm weak and cannot resist temptation.

Ahora que las rebajas ya han empezado en la mayoría de webs online (todavía tengo que esperar por las de verdad) es hora de echar un vistazo a esas tiendas que trato de evitar el resto del año teniendo en cuenta que soy débil y no puedo evitar caer en la tentación.


One of those shops is the US based Pixie Market. I blame the magnificent styling -I even save their pics in my inspiration folder- for liking everything they stock.

Una de esas tiendas es Pixie Market, con base en Estados Unidos. Yo trato de culpar a los magníficos estilismos -incluso guardo sus fotos como inspiración- porqué me guste todo lo que venden.


However, what I like most is their wide range of outerwear. It's difficult to find such great cuts, original but classic at these good prices.

Pero lo que más me gusta de todo y sin ninguna duda es su amplia gama de abrigos y chaquetas. Es difícil encontrar cortes tan originales y clásicos a la vez, a tan buenos precios.



Marian said...

its so hard resisting the sales! love these the thord image best.the jacket in it is great!
muah x

Juxtaposition Design said...

You should have never brought this shop to my attention! Must lock credit card in wallet now. haha

Anonymous said...

ooh i love the pixie market.. and the goolddddd wow

Lisa said...

I really like the fedora the girl in the second picture is wearing!

P.S. This was ages ago and we've probably both forgotten (I didn't think of it until now), but you agreed to add me to your blogroll and I notice my link is missing. Could you update your blogroll please? Thanks! :-)

Unknown said...

The jacket on the last picture, oh my! I love you and hate you for sharing this link (but thank you).

Anonymous said...

Another shop i didn't know thx for sharing ! Love the jackets and the hats.

saray said...

they have a lot of great stuff

Unknown said...

Answ: Nope, just a swan in the inlet/fjord down by. said...

ooh what a great site. And they sell Iosselliani!

Rosanna said...

great post! i love everything!!!


Anonymous said...

qué descubrimiento. Es genial. Gracias!

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