Saturday 20 December 2008

Marilyn Monroe


It's been a time since I wanted to write about Marilyn Monroe but I didn't know what to say. The largest auction of photos of the actress in history seems the perfect excuse.

Hace mucho tiempo que quería escribir algo acerca de Marilyn Monroe pero no sabía muy bien como. La mayor subasta de fotografías de la actriz de la historia parece la excusa perfecta.


Most people are incapable of seeing the person behind the myth. The woman who every single day worked to better herself, a woman who -at the top of her career- took acting classes, simply because she didn't wanted to be seen just as a sexual object.

La mayoría de la gente es incapaz de ver a la persona detrás del mito. A la mujer que cada día luchaba por superarse a sí misma, una mujer que -en lo alto de su carrera- tomó clases de interpretación, simplemente porqué no quería que se la viese como un simple objeto sexual.


The picture above appeared in Vogue in 1962 right after her tragic death. Bert Stern captured very well the sorrow overwhelming the actress at the time.

La foto de arriba apareción en Vogue en 1962 justo después de su trágica muerte. Bert Stern supo capturar muy bien la tristeza que invadía a la actriz en aquellos momentos.


Mónica said...

y tanta... pobre mujer, al final fue una desgraciada:(!

Anonymous said...

Monroe was the actual iconic woman, although I am so differetn from, she is my idea of a classic woman.

saray said...

she is stuning

electric feel said...

i red a small biography about her
very intersting book ábout her short life

Anonymous said...

oh. very well written of you! very ineresting...

Vera said...

she is divine, a true icon

Anonymous said...

La verdad es que fue y seguirá siendo un icono.
Puede que no de la moda y el estilo, a pesar de su famoso vestido tableado blanco, pero al fin y al cabo un icono. said...

Thanks for your sweet comment! I was obsessed with Marilyn (and James Dean)as a teenager. I had 3 photo albums full of post cards. Isn't she beautiful?

Anonymous said...

que pases una linda navidad, un besote!

Marian said...

love Marilyn,think shes super iconic.she was sexy but also so fragile.
wishing you a great holiday and blessed new year.
muah x

WendyB said...

I'm not sure I've ever seen that last picture, thanks for posting it.

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