At what age did you start getting into fashion?
"Coming from a family of 4 daughters, and being the youngest, I got into fashion at a young age. I don't know exactly when it started, but I remember always being very aware of clothing, even throwing tantrums in order to convince my mother to take me shopping. "
¿A qué edad comenzaste a interesarte por la moda?
"Teniendo en cuenta que soy la menor de cuatro hermanas, comencé a interesarme por la moda pronto. No se exactamente cuando empezó, pero recuerdo que siempre he sido muy consciente de la ropa, incluso he tenido rabietas para convencer a mi madre de que me llevase a comprar."
What drived you to launch your own label?
"I moved to Los Angeles for a year and decided that I wanted to come back to New York sooner rather than later. It just felt like the right time to test the waters and venture out on my own. "
¿Qué te llevo a fundar tu propia marca?
Me mudé a Los Angeles durante un año y decidí que tenía que volver a Nueva York más pronto que tarde. Parecía el momento adecuado para tantear y aventurarme a trabajar por mi cuenta."

"Overall, I am inspired by so much, it's hard to really list. It can be anything from the color of a car, to the color of my tea, to the shape of an old garment...it's really everywhere.
The moodboard for S/S 09 was basically just my color palette- I knew what colors I wanted to represent, and the rest of the design kind of happened organically.
I design for myself- things that I want to wear, things that I feel are missing in the market- and my first season really reflects that. I wanted simple pieces that were also really pretty and versatile...things with special details, but aren't obvious.
Fall inspiration is happening differently...now I'm working more with images and shapes that evoke what I'm feeling now- dark, romance..."
¿Cuál fue el moodboard para la primavera/verano 09? ¿Qué tipo de cosas te inspiran normalmente?
"Es difícil de decir porqué me inspiran muchas cosas. Puede ser cualquier cosa: desde el color de un coche, el color de mi té, la silueta de una prenda vieja ... está en todas partes.
El moodboard para la primavera verano 09 fue básicamente mi paleta de color - sabía que colores quería representar- y el resto surgió de forma orgánica.
Diseño para mi misma -cosas que quiero ponerme, o que hecho de menos en el mercado- y mi primera temporada refleja eso. Quería prendas simples, pero bonitas y versátiles...cosas con detalles especiales, pero no muy obvios.
La inspiración para el invierno está siendo distinta...ahora estoy trabajando con más imágenes y formas que evocan lo que siento ahora mismo - oscuridad, romanticismo..."

Which garment are you most proud of?
"I'm most proud of my Tuxedo Blazer made of silk charmeuse and just the absolute, most sexiest thing I've ever worn. "
¿De qué prenda te sientes más orgullosa?
"Estoy muy orgullosa de mi chaqueta de Smoking hecha de crepe. Es la cosa más sexy que me he puesto jamás."
"Anyone who isn't afraid to mix and match, doesn't need a full look, and has confidence in their own style."

I really like the second dress. It's such a pretty colour. I love reading interviews with designers and see what inspires them.
ohhh, love this line...so simple, classic & beautiful, thanks for sharing!
I love the trousers, exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks for sharing.
clean and basic. I love the last outfit. new york - LA? I wouldn't tell is american!
lovely interview dear!love the classic simplicity of her pieces.so chic.
it's all so simple. but in a strange way, i like it.
Que línea más limpia y elegante, me recuerda mucho a Calvin Klein
minimalistic and simple, but very good
so simple, elegant, classic. beautiful.
the second and third outfits are ridiculously gorgeous. i love when minimalist clothes make a bigger statement than over-the-top outfits.
hmm, those two films are a fantastic place to start actually! i wrote my paper about a film called "tabu", by f.w. murnau. it's about 80 minutes long and is silent without intertitles, but the beauty of it is enough to capture your attention.
i also highly recommend "la chute de la maison usher" by jean epstein. watching that film is like being in a dream.
Simple and elegant, so chic...
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