If I remember well, I've never done a food post before but that time has now come. Warning: don't blame me if you crave something sweet after seeing the pics below. You can find all the recipes and more photos at Sing for your supper.
Si recuerdo bien nunca he escrito un post de comida antes, pero creo que ha llegado el momento. Advertencia: no me culpeís si después de ver las fotos os morís por algo dulce. Podeís encontrar todas las recetas y más imágenes en Sing for your supper.

doy fe de la buena mano de esta mujer para los dulces -muy a mí pesar, están buenísimos!!!
Las fotos son una monada, como cabía esperar
Wow, those look so delicious! I absolutely love cookies! I might have to check out some of those recipes...
omg....yum...............i'm drooling over those cookies.
xx- LJ from SOS!
Hum, they look delicious and make me feel like cooking myself. Enjoy!
mm those look lovely, great job! I need to bake some cookies too, those photos really got me craving them!
MMmmmmm this looks sooooooo delicious!
Yo intentando tomarme el té si galletas, y ahora esto!!Aiiiii!QUé perversión!
(A photoshoot inspired in Vogue Paris)
food posts are the besttt! are you planning on baking any of these? mind saving me some if you do? :P
Ooh! Everything looks so yummy, especially the chocolate chips cookies at the bottom! Now I'm craving...
Btw, my blog's address has moved to http://www.fashionaddictgirl.com so if you have the time could you please change the link on your blog roll? Thanks!
Soy una gran fanática de las galletas, me encanta horneaas siempre que estoy aburrida en casa jejee, así que estas fotos han sido una muy buena inspiración para mí :)
I DO blame you ;) Now I'm off to open a new packet of ginger biscuits!
the third ones looks tasty
yum yum yum! im craving homemade cookies now,
muah xx
These look amazing :O
I've tagged you ;D
these cookies look really delicious. i would love to have the recipe! xo
yummy ! WHat nice wookies ! i want some !! i love your blog ;) and plus i like your style :)
i add you to my blogroll:)
ill be back ;)
Mmmmmmmmhhhhhhh.......it is the only I can say....
If only I could cook!
omg so delicious!
Ooooh goodness. There goes the rest of my day.
There will be cookies for dinner tonight!
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