I must be the last person in the whole blogosphere to know that the most prestigious shoe-makers in the world have reinterpreted the ruby slippers Judy Garland wore in the Wizard of Oz. To conmemorate the musical's 70th anniversary, established designers like Christian Louboutin, Manolo Blahník or Sergio Rossi have collaborated to pay a well deserved homage to this magnificent film. I confess: my favourites are the Moschino's!
Debo de ser la última persona en la blogosfera en enterarse de que los más prestigiosos zapateros del mundo han reinterpretado los clásicos chapines de rubíes que Judy Garland lucía en el Mago de Oz. Con motivo del 70 aniversario del musical, genios de la talla de Christian Louboutin, Manolo Blahník o Sergio Rossi han colaborado para realizar un merecido homenaje a ésta magnífica obra del cine. Confieso: ¡mis favoritos son los de Moschino!
qué grande es Manolo, grande de España!!!!
love the shoes!!
and u are so adorable!
i love ur natural look and stylish clothes
That's very exciting! 3 great designers put together = Amazing results.
yesthe moschinos are def my favorites too!
I'm looking forward to see the other models, but between these three, my favorite is also the Moschino's.
Moschino's is my favorite too!
Yo tampoco me había enterado. Los de Moschino son los más bonitos, sí... Anda que no he soñado veces de pequeña con tener esos zapatos. Gran peli.
Wow, cool shoes! And love the site, it's great!
me encanta el blog!! enserio...
me dejo caer por aqui para dejarte mi blog..!! espero q te guste! un beso enorm!
vendo pendientes y broches VINTAGE..son cosillas q he ido adquiriendo en viajes y heredando de amigos familiares.....normalmente de mercadillos locales de PARIS, BARCELONA, ROMA, MILAN, LONDRES...un poco de todo!
espero q te pases..las fotos que ire colgando merecen la pena..!! un beso enorme por el tiempo
oh. i like the moschinos as well! red is never a bad chose.
re: thank you! but. its not me on the picture. bad luck huh?
love, julia
I'm so glad I found your blog!
I'm so in love with it.
PS. keep the music player. ;)
You have wonderful taste.
creo que no eres la ultima en enterarte, pero me encanto la idea:)
This post just really made me smile. My junior prom shoes where "Wizard of Oz" shoes. They look just like the last sketch, except they're peep toes. I was actually wearing them last night.
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Siempre he sido fan de un buen par de zapatos rojos brillosos o de charol, no hay nada más estiloso que eso
i love this song i love the shoes love love love!
The Moschino are the ones which seem most 'true' to the Wizard of OZ.
I am a little sick of CL 'fierce' shoes.
the shoes are delicious,was so excited when i saw this collaboration my dear.how yummy are they ?;-)
yes that was Gala in my image at photoshoot,she was model.
i really want those moschino ones!
great blog, when i heard the music i didnt want to leave till the song was over. So nice.
I love the Moschino ones....
cute shoes
wow, the moschino ones are beautiful!
what fab illustrations! i have never seen them before! rock on dorothy xxo
Oh those drawings are so lovely! I want a pair of ruby red slippers...
Christian Louboutin is amongst my all time favorite designers. I love that he is involved in this!
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