It strikes me to see how elegant they looked despite the sorrow and their difficult economic circumstances. Obviously, the photo was planned and so the clothes. However, looking at them I came to realize that nowadays we talk so much about the democratization of fashion but it doesn't show. It seems to me we are moving backwards in terms of quality and taste.
Me sorprendió mucho ver lo elegantes que eran a pesar del dolor y de las dificultades económicas por las que pasaban. Obviamente, tanto la foto como la ropa eran algo planeado. Pero me ha servido para darme cuenta de que aunque hoy en día se nos llene la boca al hablar de la democratización de la moda al final no se nota. Parece que vamos hacia atrás en lo que a cuestión de gustos y calidades se refiere.
Imagine we proposed the first person we found in the street to put on his/her best clothes and take a picture. What people would think of him/her next century?
Imaginemos por un momento que le proponemos a la primera persona que nos encontramos por la calle que se ponga sus mejores ropas y le hacemos una foto. ¿Qué creéis que pensarían de él o ella dentro de un siglo?
Mother - John Lennon
I think the same about fashion democratisation. It doesn't mean more style and elegance concerned people. Fashion has definetively lost the role that used to play in society before. But it's mainly a positive thing... The pic is amazing.
Si fuera directora de cine hacía una película ya mismo a partir de este retrato de familia, me parece una preciosidad de foto, y cuanta historia detrás de unos rsotros y de unas ropas. Hoy el experimemnto sería fallido. un beso!
que buen post, allure. Sobretodo porque es algo que he pensado mucho caminando y mirando la gente. Pantalones que se arrastran, chaquetas que no combinan...ya no tiene que ver con estar o no interesado en moda, si no mas bien en desidia.
Es un tema interesante. Creo que los abuelos son los que mejor se visten ahora mismo.
La foto perfecta, guardala con cuidado
Amazing picture, I think people tend to be more 'put together' (if that makes sense) before compare to now, where jeans and t shirts have become a staple.
i think this is such a great point...i love getting dressed up even if i know i'll look silly compared to everyone else. it's such a lost art that people should celebrate!
looking at old photos with dressed up people almost makes me wanna live in another century :)
sería lamentable, no me puedo imaginar lo que pensarían...jaja. ahora entiendo lo de tu estilo, en el fondo es heredado:P, así que no tiene tanto mérito :P;P!!!
That must have been so awesome to stumble across something like that, and that's a very interesting perspective on fashion of the past vs. fashion now.
Also, thank you so much for the comment on my chair project! It's funny because I thought my chair was too simplistic next to my fellow students who had a compartment for this, a hook for that, etc.
Just gorgeous!
Thanks so much for posting, dear!
It's terribly striking how little we wear in comparison too--look at all those layers! I definitely wish people dressed better nowadays--it is frightening to think of how we will be remembered. I'm having flashbacks from junior high yearbooks now...
Thanks for wishing me good luck on my exam! I don't think it went TOO bad
i really like this post.
Qué maravilla de foto! El año pasado Caja Madrid organizó un concurso para ilustrar la historia de la moda española a través de las fotos que recopilara la gente. Este año debería ser la exposición, o algo así.
wow your so lucky! I want a photo of my ancestor too from such a long time ago!! the people in the photo looks so prim and proper!! *squeals*
woow how amazing is that? you can ound your granddad photos! and the photos is look great too.. and you are absolutely right they all look so elegant.. it so vintage.. if I were you I will framed it :D
i love old photos!
I love these sorts of pictures - I bought one a few months ago from a vintage fair. They evoke so many feelings from inside me, but mostly they make me feel sad and slightly on edge!
Great photo. You raise some interesting points about aesthetics of dress too. I'm not as adventurous a dresser as others, partly because my criteria for a good outfit includes asking myself, "If I were to look back 10-15 years from now would I regret how I looked?"
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