Apologies for my absence these past few days. My analog life has been taking more time than expected.
Siento my ausencia de los últimos días, pero mi vida analógica me ha estado robando más tiempo del que yo esperaba.

During this time, NY fashion week ended passing the baton to London (which is, in general, closer to my taste). I'm not a fan of doing show reviews, because we have the great Sarah Mower for that. However, Charles Anastase will be an exception.
Durante este tiempo, la semana de la moda ha terminado en New York cediéndole el testigo a Londres (en general, mucho más cercana a mis gustos). No soy muy de comentar desfiles, porqué para eso ya está la gran Sarah Mower. Pero el de Charles Anastase será la excepción.

In this collection, Charles Anastase has combined his signature girly aesthetic -reminiscence of Picnic at Hanging Rock-, with a dose of sexyness represented by suspender belts, silk stockings or endless high heels.
En esta colección Charles Anastase ha sabido conjugar su ya característica estética aniñada -reminiscente de Picnic at Hanging Rock-, con una sensualidad representada por ligueros, medias de seda o tacones de vértigo.

The perfect melange of innocence and sensuality: cache-coeurs paired with motorcycle leather jackets, organza skirts with old school blazers, straw hats, nerd eyeglasses, peter pan collars, denim...everything exquisitely done.
La mezcolanca perfecta entre inocencia y sensualidad: cache-coeurs combinados con cazadoras moteras en piel, faldas de organza con americanas, sombreros de paja, gafas de empollón, cuellos peter pan, vaquero...y todo realizado de forma exquisita.

Pics from style and dazed digital
La calle del olvido - Los Secretos
qué post tan tú!! jeje. esperé aquí a lo zorro:P! el año que viene a París a por otro vestido del señorito, sí o sí;)!
lllllooooooovvvvvvvveeeeed this.
i don't think i could ever pull off those glasses but this styling was incredible.
i love this collection, between naif and hard... THANKS FOR THIS POST!!
Siempre super original y con muy buenas opciones!
i like the way how the designer put the feminin and the rock chic together
yes i like the leather jacket with the black suspenders but only for the nightlife.
hi love.
yeah my Persol's are the Steve McQueen ones.
I heart them deeply.
i was going to do a post on them soon as summer is springing here ; )
thanks for you beautiful comments.xx.
Oh my god those shoes are fabulous! I want them.
The organza skirts are cool! I love the layering he did for this collection.
Wow look at the shoes!
possibly my favourite collection this season, those shoes are fab!
Me encanta. Enlazada has quedado :)
i love those shoes they are so sick!!
ahahaha I love those glasses~~ I guess neediness is back in fashion!! I want a pair now. And those shoes x,x I <3 them
Me ha encantado el look de la falda con la cazadora vaquera. Y el liguero por debajo!!
No sabía de este diseñador =S
uy! vaquera no, de cuero!!!
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