Saturday 21 July 2007

Hosiery madness

Yesterday, I went shopping and I only bought tights and socks. They are my latest and cheapest obsession. I bought a pair of red tights, grey silk Prada-esque stockings, and a pair of black wool knee highs. I looked for a pair of mustard ribbed tights, but I couldn't find anything.

Surfing the net, I discovered a fantastic shop, called dream-socks, stocking a wide range of hosiery.

This are my favourites. They are made of angora, can you feel the softness? I can.

Chevron pattern


Another recurrent option: American Apparel

I find 40€ for a pair of tights a little too much. For pricey stockings go to A.P.C.


Mash said...

I m totally in love with the purple tights from American Apparel .

Susana Rodrigues said...

the 1st and 2nd pairs are awesone :)
i love tights, in all colours, from white, to yellow, blue, grey hehe! any colour!

alluretone said...

the angora socks look verry nice. i've been dying for a pair of ribbed socks.

discotheque confusion said...

Totally love this look. I can feel it being a big hit already.

Only one problem..I have a red pair and am constantly having the pull them up whenever I wear them.

So thats why suspenders were invented!

S xx

Fenke said...

I see you are/were into socks aswell :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi there, just scouring the net looking for Grey Prada tights, having no success what so ever! Does anyone know where I can find a pic/price of them??? or go and buy a pair?

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