The aesthetic movement flourished in Britain in 1868 as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution and Victorian era. It was formed with a vast group of post-Romantic artists who tended to hold that Art's purpose wasn't didacticism but beauty. Art for them had nothing to do with moral, it should provide us pleasure, not ethic and that's why their works were filled with sensuality, symbols and synaesthetic effects.
"Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which two or more bodily senses are coupled. In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored." And that's how children think, because their brains aren't mature enough. Some people keep that skill during the rest of their lives, and most of them use their experiences during creative processes. Synesthesia can also be experienced with some psychedelic drugs like acid.
Aesthetic fashion.At the end of the XIX century, some writers and artists, like Ruskin, rose up against one of the most anti-hygienic garment ever: crinoline. They suggested looser cut and unstructured dresses in the style of medieval or Renaissance frocks with larger sleeves.
Lieder Ohne Worte by Lord Frederic Leighton
The corset free lady was thought Bohemian and immoral. The typical aesthetic woman had pale skin, green eyes, and long red hair (enhanced with henna).
Aesthetes introduced natural dyes, preferring faded colours, evoking nature as terracotta, indigo, salmon, green, etc...The dresses were adorned with large sunflowers and daffodils, made of silk with oriental silhouettes (Japanese kimonos and Indian pyjamas).
"A garden" by Albert Moore
The epitome of the male aesthete was Oscar Wilde. During his speaking tour of America, he liked to wear a velvet jacket, a flowing tie, and a wide-awake hat.

The aesthetic movement is considered to have ended with the trial of Oscar Wilde and the appearance of Art Nouveau.
"We are all in the gutter but some are looking at the stars" Oscar Wilde.
Chopin's music makes me cry.