Now that streetstyle photography is so popular, we should bear in mind that is not a new thing. There is nothing completely original, but the saying "nihil novum sub sole" is carried out perfectly here. Joel Meyerowitz is far from being a pioneer, before him were Robert Frank or Cartier-Bresson. However the fact is, he was one of the first photographers, among with William Eggleston, to introduce colour. It was thanks in part to his work that people began to take it seriously, considering colour photography a form of art.
Ahora que está tan de moda la fotografía "streetstyle" conviene recordar que no es algo nuevo. Y es que si no hay nada por completo original, la máxima "nihil novum sub sole" se cumple aquí a la perfección. Joel Meyerowitz no es ni mucho menos un pionero, antes que él estuvieron Robert Frank o Cartier-Bresson. Pero hay algo que no puede negársele; la introducción del color. Gracias, entre otros a gente como él o William Eggleston, fue tomada en serio y aceptada como una forma de arte más.
You're absolutely right, it's sometimes good to replace things in their real context, numerous artists found their inspirations in the street. Streestyle is not a revolution. However the goal of the photos is no longer the same. Today they take pictures more for the clothes than for the people who wear them.
Muy al pelo de lo que escribo hoy, y de los que te comenté hace unos días... ese Estados Unidos es tan interesante....
I like these!
Juliet xxx
i love hearing about when things such as colour photography were new and seems so strange because it's so accepted now (though i Would venture to say there is still a stigma on colour vs b&w)
Mil gracias por compartir!
No conocía a éste fotógrafo!
Espero que estés muy bien!
Abrazo grande,
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