Wednesday 8 December 2010

Wool and the gang

wool and the gang
wool and the gang annabelle-dexter-jones-watg-02

Holiday season is fast approaching and whether we like it or not, it's time to start looking for presents. Wool and the gang is an alternative for those who want something special. Basically, what they sell is a kit that contains: wool, needles, pattern and some easy instructions. You do the rest. The only con for me is the price, but if you are experienced you can also buy single yarns of wool (definitely cheaper), plus you can also find free patterns on their site. Anyhow, if you really want to indulge yourself with a Kurt Cobain inspired sweater or an oversized chunky scarf, they are sure worth it.

Las fiestas se acercan irremediablemente y mal que nos pese va siendo hora de pensar en regalos. Wool and the gang es una posible alternativa para aquellos que quieran ser un poco más originales de lo habitual. Básicamente se trata de un kit que incluye: lana, agujas, patrones y unas sencillas instrucciones. Tú te encargas del resto. La única pega para mi gusto es que son un poco caros, pero si tienes experiencia puedes comprar ovillos de lana sueltos y además en su web hay colgados patrones gratuitos. De todos modos, si tu capricho es un jersey a lo Kurt Cobain o una bufanda de lana punto gordo, yo creo que lo merecen.


jennine said...

oooh! i saw the shop, it is really cute! love it.

Mari said...

Ahh, so cool!
Now, All I need it manual dexterity or a friend who loves me a lot.

-La Copine

CHLOE and JESSICA said...

ohh this is fantastic, thanks!

Siru said...

That looks so cool!

juliet xxx

Tamara said...

Aprender a hacer punto es mi asignatura pendiente, qué desastre... A no ser que sea con una tricotosa, claro ;)

classiq said...

lovely scarf

bubbles on my planet said...

una idea genial, siempre he querido aprender a tricotear!

K A T H L E E N said...

so cool! i love knits this time of year too!
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