Wednesday 18 November 2009

Anouck Lepère


Very occasionally appears in the strange and, sadly, homogeneous modelling world a girl capable of standing out from the crowd thanks to a peculiarity. For Anouck Lepère they were her thick eyebrows ,which won her many contracts. According to some her career began when her friends Dries Van Noten and Olivier Theyskens's persuaded her to try her luck in the fashion world.

Muy de vez en cuando aparece en el extraño y, por desgracia, homogéneo mundo de las modelos una chica que sobresale del rebaño gracias a alguna peculiaridad. En el caso de Anouck Lepère fueron sus cejas pobladas las que le hicieron ganar muchos contratos. Según dicen algunos su carrera comenzó cuando sus amigos Dries Van Noten y Olivier Theyskens la convicieron de que debía probar suerte en el mundo de la moda.


But more surprising is that the Belgian continues on the catwalk in her thirties when the average retirement age of a model is at 25. I don't know for sure what her secret is, however I am certain a strong personality and an impeccable style help.

Pero lo más sorprendente del caso es que esta treintañera belga siga desfilando cuando la edad media de jubilación de una modelo se sitúa en los 25. No sé a ciencia cierta cuál es su secreto, pero estoy segura que una personalidad fuerte y su estilo impecable ayudan.



joanne said...

she's absolutely stunning for her age. and jeez, cool bunch of friends she's got!

mmr said...

I really like Anouck, she's quite possibly the only model whose photographs I can see over and over again without ever getting tired of the way she looks. The fact that she's Belgian doesn't hurt either, I've always had a soft spot for anything that comes from that country :)

Unknown said...

inspiring blog, keep it up :)
love the first photo, such deep emotions... <3

Katarina Kühl ~ PencilFashion said...

her face is amazing!

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