Paradoxically, when we have reached a high point in terms of digital technology, many nostalgics are going back to analog.
First, it was the vinyl which still enamoures many of us with its fantastic sound. Then the Polaroid returned full of charm, boosted by the closure of its factories. And now the comeback of the Lomo.

From Unica Home "Originally produced by the great wall plastic factory in Hong Kong in the 1960's the diana has become a cult classic, known for producing soft and dreamy images due to light leakage. given away by reader's digest as a freebie, the diana has been out of production for almost 35 years. A light, inexpensive medium (120 film) format camera, the 'new' diana has 4 f-stops and comes with a booklet, camera strap and lens cover. An additional change is that the camera has a removable lens, allowing for pinhole camera action!"
I'd love to spend a week with one of these.
I want one of these! I have a lomo fisheye, but it's not quite the same...
I guess we just live in a nostalgic time!
i can vouch that those cameras produce really amazing shots....
I want one of those! I adore lomo and polaroid photography.
I want one, but I've heard really bad things about Lomography Society...
^ I wonder what sort of bad things :|? Yah I want a Diana, but there's a HUGE range of vintage lomo cameras out there, not just the Diana and I think people should be taught about different 'toy' cameras :P I've got a Smena and that rocks my little world.
Oh, i want a camera like that so bad! It looks gorgeous and i guess it takes heavenly pics...
I love old cameras! My uncle just gave me his vintage holga and I can't wait to use it!
I love the Diana camera, although the Holga seems equally as nice. That makes deciding which one I should buy even harder ;)
i have never used a Lomo,id love to try one.I heart polaroids! I think people are nostalgic,hence how everything in the past keeps coming back. I love all things retro!
I would love to have that camera! I would feed it with marshmallows and take lovely pictures of flowers and y friends;)
i so want one!
i have this camera, and i love the way the pics come out!
ps. i linked you!
i dream about a camera like this!
it's so lovely. and the photographs that come out are so interesting and beautiful! :D
yes it's true! last saturday i bought this one
and i am loving it! it takes a little to get in touch with the lomo phylosophy which means taking photos everywhere in every condition of light .. in 2 words just shoot anyway! i think the price allows those who love photography (i always use reflex) to have fun and take it easy sometimes!
Any advice on buying a lomo camera? Thanks!!! I want one but don't know which one to yet, thanks a million.
it depends on what effect you want to obtain. if you choose HOlga, for example, you will have multiple exposures and many other features to play with but at the same time you have to be very fond of self discovery because these cameras have to be self discovered (the instructions are not enough to understand clearly what to do so remind that the first films wont'be defintely the best ones!) i chose fish eye two because of multiple exposures, fish eye lens and the fact that it is set for long exposures. take a look at the website, read and choose by heart!
Thank you for your help Claudia. :)
you're right; I think it's precisely because digital just seems so shiny and new and unpersonal that we're craving older more nostalgic methods.
LOVE this camera. LOVE your blog. would you like to exchange links? xxxxx
I've always wanted to try one of these things out, but as much as I like taking pictures I really don't fancy myself as a photographer... I'd call myself a shutterbug.
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