Thursday 21 August 2008

Selling at all costs

I've always been in love with the tomboy look Winona Ryder sported in Girl Interrupted. Especially when she wore men shirts. It may seem a bit boring at first, but it's great for lazy days when you only have to attend some classes.

Now, American Apparel is selling something of the kind. The thing is that in USA the said shirt costs $54, while in Europe the same one is €54. That makes a difference of almost €20! Even if the garments are made in L.A. I don't get the huge difference in price.


Isla de Encanta - Pixies


Anonymous said...

even though she was totally sad and depressed in that movie, i agree...she did look really cute. this is a great top and i think it would look perfect with skinny jeans (like i posted today on my blog!) and riding boots.

leeselooks said...

hi love.

eeeeeeeek I so relate to mark-ups.

living in Africa EVERYTHING is double. Not to mention we don't even have AA, H & M, ZARA, UO...etc. BUT all the big grands we do carry ( Levi's, Gucci, LV, Puma...etc.) is INSANELY marked up.

mucho frustrating, hey?

sorry for the rant! :)

loveology said...

Yeah, you're so right!
The big diffrence in prices between the USA and Europe doesn't make any sense.. :(

I try to get my AA things from Ebay, althought you can't find this one on Ebay i guess...

:) Mila.

Marian said...

that movie is a classic Winona movie moment. i like masculine cut shirts.

ramona west said...

thanks for the compliment. i love your blog. would you like to swap links?

LEESH said...

i'm so sorry... i'm an american girl, so i get all of it for much cheaper. lucky me, i suppose. i didn't realize the price difference was SOOO intense. sorry sorry.


Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

Sí, lo mejor es robarle las camisas a tu papá y sacarle las poleras a tu novio, así me he hecho un guardarropas a la medida jeje

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

That is a strange change in price. Shipping shouldn't be that much when they ship in bulk.

discotheque confusion said...

yes, i was a bit annoyed to see that their prices are the same regardless of currency..

it's the same for the garments in ££, i think...

Wendy said...

Well I guess the price is because of the different economy and currency. Its fair I would say because its two different countries.

Mónica said...

Yo no entiendo la gran diferencia de precios, la verdad, y viendo la calidad de la falda que me compré en Paris en AA, casi prefiero que lo hagan en China... sinceramente.

Elizabeth said...

They're probably charging the higher price based on perceived caché.

E. Abaroa said...

Solo decirte que acabo de descubir tu blog por medio de Atelier y me has encantado...las dos versiones, la española y la iglesa...enhorabuena y besos; y sigue así, sigue siendo tú y no caigas jamás en la frivolidad aunque ames la moda!!!

Shes Dressing Up said...

It's so strange that they put the price in every currency on the tags, so when you're browsing something in the store and check the price it just explicitly shouts back at you "you're getting ripped off using the British pound!"... It really puts me off shopping at AA.

tessa said...

hmmm that's strange...
By the way the shirt will look so cute wiht a a crisp white shorts and peep toe pump. Very masculine and feminine all at the same time.

ramona west said...

i just linked you :)

alluretone said...

what a ripoff! it's a pretty simple shirt so id just find one somewhere else. but i do think the fit is crucial in these type of shirts- and it's always a pain to find the perfect fit.

Rebecca said...
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liswon said...

yes! i love the masculine look.

ashleigh said...

i love oxford shirts, this one is about $92 in australia. seriously, just look for one on ebay, so cheap! and more unique :)

Michelle said...

AA prices are ridiculously high in the UK and Europe :( 40 pounds for a shirt is just..silly.

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