Friday 2 April 2010

What's going on...

It's been more than a week since I wrote the previous note explaining the absence of posts for personal reasons. At that moment, I had neither the strenght nor the desire to tell what was going on. However right now, I feel that the most honest thing to do is explain the whole situation. My father is at the hospital and it is serious: he has a brain tumor. I'm not sure what's going to happen and I am a bit scared. I just wanted to let you know that now I'm not in the mood to write about frivolities, but I don't want to close the blog. That is why -also because I find it therapeutic- I will try to keep posting as much as I can.

Hace ya más de una semana de la anterior nota en la que explicaba la ausencia de posts por problemas personales. En aquel momento no tenía ni la fuerza ni las ganas de contar que me estaba pasando. Pero ahora mismo siento que lo más correcto y lo más sincero que puedo hacer es explicar un poco la situación. Mi padre está en el hospital y el asunto es grave: tiene un tumor cerebral. No sé muy bien que va a pasar y estoy un poco asustada. Sólo quería haceros saber que ahora no me apetece mucho escribir sobre frivolidades, aunque tampoco quiero cerrar el blog. Por eso, y porque para mi es casi terapeútico, voy a procurar seguir posteando lo más que me sea posible.


jennine said...

oh my goodness, i'm so sorry to hear about your father. my mother had cancer late last year, and my stomach just dropped when i heard and it was so scary going through all the waiting and surgery... it's so hard when it's your parents.

my thoughts are with you and no need to rush back, we'll be here waiting.
lots of love.

sophi said...

Te mando todos mis mejores deseos y fuerzas en esta dificil y delicada situacion.

Cora. said...

My father is very ill too, I know how hard it is. I'll be thinking of you, and of your family.

joanne said...

i'm so sorry to hear about this... my heart goes out to you and your family at this difficult time. please take care of yourself, and don't worry at all about posting if you're not up for it. do what feels best for you. sending all my love your way <3

Ammu said...

I am so sorry to hear about this - my prayers and my thoughts are with you and your family. Look after yourself sweetie.

erica lorraine scheidt said...

lots of love to you and wanting to leave this open, so you can just hear us breathing on the other end of the phone line is perfectly right.

WendyB said...

Hoping for the best for your family!

PiruletadeGato said...

Ánimo. Nosotros seguiremos aquí :)

mmr said...

I'm so very sorry to hear this and I wish you and your family all the best. Hopefully you'll find the strength to stay positive!

Tamara said...

Os deseo lo mejor Allure, a ti y a tu familia. No te preocupes por la frecuencia del posteo, sabes que cuando necesites airearte aquí seguiremos.

Un abrazo fuerte. said...

Sorry to hear this, I hope he gets better soon and that you keep your strength up x

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